hey all, something you may not now about me is that im a huge comic book fan. i did these very fast, here im trying to play minimal color and shape. im gonna keep more and posting them.
hi all recently we had to pick a book and redesign the cover of it in a way that hasnt been done before. I picked one of my favorite scenes where Captain Hook and Smee are taking Princess Tiger Lily to Skull Rock and Peter and Wendy are watching on at the top i add John just so i could have 2 sets of 3 to make it more interesting
in my figure painting class we have started doing master copies of famous and infamous illustrators/non-illustrators. i picked my illustration ideal Mr. Alex Ross and his iconic representation of Superman from issue 1 of Superman.
this was the first illustration but i just recently updated it. it was all about what i did over the summer, so i learned alot about Hinduism and tried alot of new things so in each hand is a new or better experience
hey all, illest of ill submissions were due yesterday and i thought id do 2 pieces in one day, so i bought my watercolor board and started drawing at 9 pm thursday night and stayed up until 8 am the next day to finish these two pieces. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out overall and id like to keep making pieces like them
these are drawings from my recent sketchbooks. Sorry that they are out of order. but one character is Deadman, Spiderman in variant costumes, and the last are monkey king characters. enjoy!
i cant lie, im a pretty big narcissist. it takes me forever to look away when im looking at a mirror. So one of my favorite things to draw are self-portraits. Here are 2 done very recently
These are the best pieces ive done so far in the 2nd Semester of Sophomore in Illustration.
These first 2 a re regular pencil portraits, both took the entire class period. I used a HB pencil to slowly develop the shapes and values.
These 4 are done in Prisma Colored pencil, each was a 20 minute pose and were pretty fun to do overall.
these next 4 are my favorite and done in my favorite media to find the figure with, Charcoal! I can't help but enjoy this media cause it forces me to use my whole body and to use the tool in various and unique ways.